Break your reporting limitations with Adagio

Award winning financial reporter & best in class for First Nations and Not For Profits 

Adagio Accounting provides strong financial reporting with easy-to-use report builders. Designed for the complex financial reporting requirements of First Nations and Not for Profit Organizations, Adagio’s “excel-like” feeling appeals to accountants who manage complex and niche reporting requirements. Reporting and tight audit trails offered in Adagio are its strengths. Along with a suite of over 20 other modules, Adagio offers a piece-by-piece solution so that you are investing in what you need when you need.

Adagio Accounting software is designed for small to mid-sized companies that have an accounting office. This means the accounting function is managed by trained accountants rather than by the owner-operator. It is designed to support the processes and audit controls of growing businesses.

  • Provides powerful and user-friendly financial reporting
  • Offers inventory management with accurate costing
  • Supports best in class audit controls
  • Allows for true departmental accounting 

FInancial Reporter

General Ledger

Accounts Payable


Accounts Receivable


Bank Reconciliation 

Fixed Assets


Order Entry 

Sales Analysis


Purchase Orders



Time & Billing 

and more 

Get Your Free Consultation And Adagio Demo Today

To see if Adagio is right for you, give us a call. We’ll spend some time with you to understand your needs and further introduce you to Adagio.

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