Software Solutions 

The accounting software industry has a variety of software solutions for you to consider but how do you know which one is right for you?

Most small businesses don’t have a formal request for proposal process and often are launched into choosing a new accounting software due to a challenge or roadblock they’ve hit with their current solution. This can sometimes lead to making a pain-driven decision in a software solution, when there are many important facets of a new solution to be considered.

LogiPME understands that not all businesses are alike, even if they are in the same industry. Internal processes and company goals vary from business to business and that’s why LogiPME spends the time with you to understand your requirements beyond just the tool functionalities.  At LogiPME we are certified partners of more than just one solution giving us the opportunity to really help you explore what’s right for your business.

Spire has a completely integrated solution designed for medium sized companies, at an affordable price. Offering you core financials and strong operational solutions very much geared towards the growing wholesale, light manufacturing, service & repair industries. Spire’s contemporary solution of both on-premise and Cloud offers… Read More   

Adagio Accounting provides strong financial reporting with easy-to-use report builders. Designed for the complex financial reporting requirements of First Nations and Not For Profit Organizations, Adagio’s “excel-like” feeling appeals to accountants who manage complex and niche reporting requirements. Reporting and tight audit trails offered in Adagio… Read More

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